Saturday, November 24, 2007

Over to Hameed, one more time!!!

Dear Omar and Mohammed id=2707

Today Saturday 24th November, I spent more than half an hour speaking on the telephone to Iraqis who went back to chase and claim their rights usurbed by saddam's regime, and confiscated,and to reestablish their businesses in Baghdad, without the Intimidations and harrassments of the Mehdi Army and Al Sader's criminals- Mooky's croud?

These people are Shiites too but they have money and are well off.

They live near me in Richmond, England Surrey. UK.

I asked the father,who is in Baghdad now, about the security situation in Baghdad. and the Road to Baghdad from the Airport, he was upbeat and said in Iraqi- Al wadhia' al Amniy tahassan hwaia hawia. - the scurity situation improved quite a lot.

If you wish to come to Baghdad, do not hestitate to do so and do not worry. Twakl ala allah- 'Rely on God and come,' he said.

Thousands of families are coming back voluntarily from Syria and from Jordan.

The areas and the streets near Saiyda Zaynab in Demascus are now nearly empty of Iraqis, he mentioned.

Then I spoke to his son, he is married to a Sunni wife and had just got his first baby, girl- called Reem.

I asked him about Abu Nowa'as Street, he said the Prime Minisiter has ordered it to be opened, cleaned and protected so as to allow the Baghdadis and their guests to enjoy its night life once again, but also said, Al Karadah, the 52 district and Arassat Al Hindia have become the leaders in the social scene recovery and normalisation.

Adhamia is booming too, and the small factories in Kadhemia are producing their products with the raw materials coming from Iran maily and selling them fast.

The butchers and the vegtables sellers are very busy too, they cannot have enough meat to sell daily.

The families , go out in droves on Thursdays and Friday's and enjoy, their ICE creams and their juices and some enjoy going to the bars, cafes and restaurants.

It is like a very big party every week end.

The liquer stores are opening all over all the place and doing swift business.

Then I spoke to my Dr. Professor friend, in Baghdad who confirmed that the Architects and Engineering Designers and Contractors are getting plenty of Contracts from the Government Departments in various Ministries these days and that demand has caused an increase in the prices of building materials and transportation costs.

Trained Labourers such plumbers and carpentors, and plasteres are commanding a lot of money on their daily rates.

The money supply is excellent he said and Contractors are getting paid quickly. there was no cash flow difficulties too.

Kind regards
Hameed Abid | 11.24.07 - 1:40 pm

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Blogger Iraqi Mojo said...

Nice blog, Louise. I just noticed Hameed's comments today. He seems like a great guy!

November 28, 2007 8:10 pm  

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