Sunday, November 18, 2007


Approval ratings

"THE LATEST Zogby Poll shows President Bush with a 24 percent approval rating nationally.

I’ve paid attention to John Zogby and his polls ever since 2000 when he correctly predicted that Al Gore would win the popular vote but George W. Bush would win the election.

At any rate, Zogby points out that only two presidents had lower approval ratings than Bush: President Harry Truman the day after he fired Gen. Douglas MacArthur and President Richard Nixon, the day before he resigned.

But take heart, GOP. Zogby says the Democrat-controlled Congress has an 11 percent approval rating. By way of comparison, O.J. Simpson’s approval rating nationally is 16 percent."

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Blogger RG said...

Well, I have never been a poll licker. But if you want to know what is going to happen politically, whatever Zogby says, expect the opposite.


You're the only person I know who rides a horse backwards. ;-) I am a stunt rider. Now, there is ONLY one other person have I seen who rode a horse backwards during a parade. That legend was Cactus Jack. Well, maybe because ... he was drunk. The only member of the Duck Creek Gang that not only rode his horse backwards during a 4th of July parade, but did so behind the crowd all the way down the side walk of the parade route. That is why half the crowd was cheering the parade and the other half had their backs turned on the parade cheering Cactus Jack...

November 18, 2007 10:25 pm  
Blogger Trees for our children... said...

"Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."


(take a look at how the vote-counting for Bush went down in Florida)

November 19, 2007 4:24 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Hi, Billy. To return to the subject of my post, I suppose I could tie in your observation by suggesting the whining by the Democrats over that may account in some measure for their dismal showing in the Zogby poll. Yes? No? Either that, or, more than likely, it's their repeatedly frustrated attempts to sacrifice American troops in Iraq for their own political gain back home. I know a lot of Americans are using the word "traitorous" to describe Murtha, Reid and Pelosi, and indeed, I think that description is highly appropriate. Anyway, glad to see them sitting at such a dismal place in the polls. Most of the bills they have introduced haven't passed, either, even though the Dems form a majority in each house. A bit of disunity there, wouldn't you say?

November 19, 2007 7:05 pm  
Blogger Trees for our children... said...

... I'll admit I don't follow American politics nearly as much as most Canadians... I do recall them pushing through a bill that provided free childcare for every US child, and it was vetoed by Bush... I think the Democrats are still guilty of leaning left off the Republicans too much (kinda like a former provincial party we all know and loathe)... The near-consensus on supporting renewables stance taken by all the frontrunning dem presidential candidates is a good sign that they're sticking to some non-corporate/business values again...

peace and love,

November 21, 2007 2:45 am  

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