Sunday, June 04, 2006

More Lunacy from the Catty Liberal - er - liberal catnip


The Catty Catnip Weighs in on the Terrorist Bust in Toronto.

The Catty Catnip: "Earlier today, on CTV's Question Period, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day repeated the old, tired and just plain wrong line that because Canadian troops are in Afghanistan, the risk of terrorist attacks in Canada is 'diminished'.

I have never understood that logic and it certainly flies in the face of what's gone on this weekend with multiple arrests of alleged homegrown terrorists. Now tell me, Mr Day, why didn't the fact that our soldiers are in Afghanistan protect us from these people?"

Well, catnip, my little one, consider this. Perhaps there isn't a direct line between Afghanistan and the sweep in Toronto this past weekend, but I can tell you this. The arrests of these suspects happened on Stephen Harper's watch, not on Jean Chretien's watch, nor Martin's, and most of "these people" arrived in Canada during the era of capital "L" Liberalism. (Or should that be capital "L" Liberal-dumb?)

The Catty Catnip further asks: Why werent (sic) mps warned of terrorism?

Well, if you believe what this Liberal MP has to say, I think this arrest may have saved us from "these people" far more than anything the Liberals did. I believe they were warned, darlin' - by one of yours. In 2004.

So you see, catnip, perhaps the question you should be asking is: Why weren't Liberals listening, even when one of their own issued the warning?

And what was that again about Canadians being aware that this could happen here?

(Question to self: Why does this woman remind me of the stereotypical meanest-bully-in-the-teenage-snob-girl-clique in one of those grade B teen movies? All gossip and backstabbing and no substance. No analysis. Nothing but pure unadulterated bloviation.)

Liberals. Is catnip your creation? Please tell me she's not, 'cause boy, if she is, do you have some work to do!

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