Go Arabian Knight!!!!!
Labels: bloggers, Catty Catnip, leftards, leftards and leftards
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @ oldweesie@sasktel.net
Labels: bloggers, Catty Catnip, leftards, leftards and leftards
Here's the exchange. Anyone care to engage the catty catnip, can do so here:
Ah ok, so your in favour of sending troops to help people in Darfur, but you oppose sending troops to help the Afghans.
What exactly do you have against them?
Arabian Dissent | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 12:38 pm | #
Why don't you pose that question to the Americans who are deserting them?
catnip | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 1:09 pm | #
Thanks for bringing the latest false equivalency from Mr. Ignatieff to our attention Ms. C.
RossK | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 2:23 pm | #
Thanks for telling it like it is, Sister!
Berlynn | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 2:48 pm | #
" Why don't you pose that question to the Americans who are deserting them?"
Deserting? Nope.
http://www.defendamerica.mil/ art...a061606dg1.html
But I'm asking you. You believe that Africans are worthy of humanitarian intervention, but Muslims are not (Afghanistan, Iraq).
I'm just trying to figure out what exactly do you have against them to believe that they deserve more and more suffering at the hands of totaltarian dictators and muslim extreamists.
What is it?
The Arabian Knight | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 3:18 pm | #
You're trying to figure it out because the position you ascribe to me doesn't exist:
You believe that Africans are worthy of humanitarian intervention, but Muslims are not (Afghanistan, Iraq).
I do not believe that.
catnip | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 5:51 pm | #
Oh come on...its right there in your post:
"And if Ignatieff is so concerned with massacres and peacekeeping, perhaps he'd like to explain to Canadians how our troops, who are now so stretched, will be able to respond to Darfur - where people are being eliminated on a broad scale."
Right there, you blast Ignatieff for standing up for one humanitarian intervention (Afghanistan) while calling for military intervention in another area of need, the Sudan.
Either you DO have something against Muslims OR, your shamelessly playing partisan politics with the lives of people in the third world. Either way its not exactly a flattering feature.
So which one is it?
The Arabian Knight | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 7:01 pm | #
If you don't understand the necessity to intervene in genocide, that's not my problem.
Would you like to keep arguing just for the sake of arguing - or to prove your ridicuous assertion that I'm a bigot - or would you like to have a serious discussion about the affairs of the world?
If it's the former, I'm done with you. And I do recall that you've accused me of similar things in the past on my blog. If you continue, I'll ban you.
catnip | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 7:52 pm | #
"If you don't understand the necessity to intervene in genocide, that's not my problem."
Oh I very much do, I just find it odd that you support intervening militarily in one area while opposing it in another (And believe me, judging from those mass graves and horror stories in Kabul, I'd say Genocide was pretty much alive and kicking in those areas as well).
"Would you like to keep arguing just for the sake of arguing - or to prove your ridicuous assertion that I'm a bigot - or would you like to have a serious discussion about the affairs of the world?"
Let's. Why do you oppose military intervention in the middle east? What do you propose to do instead to change the status-quo in the region? Do you think the status-quo in the region needs to be changed int he first place? All I'm getting from your website is..don't do this, don't do that, Republicans are murderers...
"If it's the former, I'm done with you. And I do recall that you've accused me of similar things in the past on my blog."
That's because you were condeming a group of brave muslims who risked their necks to speak out against the extreamism in their community by labelling them as bigots who don't knwo what their talking about (Coming from a White Liberal, that's very rich).
"If you continue, I'll ban you."
By all means. Prove to me that you can't defend yourself or your ideas.
The Arabian Knight | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 9:57 pm | #
I'm antiwar. Period. And if Canadian troops are going to be used, they should be used for peacekeeping. Period.
Clear enough for you?
catnip | Homepage | 06.17.06 - 11:09 pm | #
Too scared to post a link to your blog, Arabian Knight? And, since you have your own blog, why don't you stick to posting your lies over there? I can assure you that no one here wants to read them.
catnip | Homepage | 06.18.06 - 12:28 am | #
Catnip is wrong, I've visited her blog once but I'll be at Arabian Dissent's blog as per usual.
( catnip?? again with these grade eight bathroom tissue 'cutesy' names. )
Well I think AD kicked her butt, but good!
Like him and Winston's blog.
So fed up with
'our country is a peacekeeping force only'
How the hell do you suppose we are to do this without weapons??????
OH sure our guys will show up in blue helmets with the maple leaf insignia on their sleeves and the enemy will just lay down their IED's, missiles, automatic guns, bombs and etc., because we are Canadian PEACEKEEPERS?? Maybe she's been into the catnip a little too much, ya think?
Man some people are so stupid, it's incredible.
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