Monday, May 22, 2006

Welcome to the Centre of Canada's Socialist LaLa Land

Let me see now. This blog is gonna be about politics and society, here and around the world. I'm going to concentrate on two passions. The first is poking holes in the lunatic leftwing ideology that seems to permeate the political landscape here in my part of the world. I thoroughly enjoy exposing lies and hypocracy, so this should be fun. I'll also deal with Middle Eastern issues, another passion, and just about anything else that catches my eye and makes me want to laugh or puke.

Oh, and I will reserve a special spot for comments aimed at liberal catnip, a little girl leftie who banned me from her website for daring to disagree with her. Such is the childish sensitivity of the looney left. But alas, poor catnip has the dubious distinction of being the prototypical example of leftwing lunacy and arrogance. Look. for example, at her entry of today's date, May 22, 2006. She apparently thinks that lefties hold a monopoly on virtue. Not only that, but she seems to confuse the American political system with a "first past the post" type of democracy. WOW!!! If only she knew. Yes, it does include first past the post elections. But it also includes the Electoral College; the equal representation of states in the Senate; the Supreme Court; and so on.


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